
Welcome to the City Council’s Legislative Information Center.

This site provides quick and easy public access to information concerning Philadelphia City Council bills and resolutions. Once you locate a bill or resolution, you will be able to review its legislative history and to view or download a full text copy. If you are looking for the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter or The Philadelphia Code (the codification of all City ordinances of general applicability), click here


Full text search is available for all documents. Click Here.
You may also search by bill or resolution number. For example, entering “050337” in the search bar will return Bill No. 050337. You may also use an asterisk (*) as a “wild card” to search bill or resolution numbers. For example, searching for 05033* will return item numbers 050330 through 050339, and searching for “0503*” will return items numbers 050300 through 050399 (as well as any other matters that refer to those item numbers).
Once your search results are displayed, you will be able to sort the results by clicking at the top of any column displayed. Clicking any displayed item will open a new window with detailed legislative history and full text.


You can also use the calendar feature to find dates for meetings of Council and its committees, as well as agendas and minutes of such meetings.

Use the “e-mail questions or comments” feature if you have any questions about this website, or suggestions for its improvement.

Transcript Room

Click here to find transcripts of Council Sessions

Click here  to find transcripts of Committee Hearings

This site contains unofficial copies of bills, resolutions, minutes, agendas and other City Council documents, and is for information purposes only. If you need an official certified copy of a bill or resolution, or an official copy of any other document available on this website, you must obtain such official copies from the Clerk’s office, Room 402 City Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (telephone: (215) 686-3410).

This website generally contains documents created on and after January 1, 2000.