Urging the City of Philadelphia to take measures to achieve fair and equitable transition to the use of 100% Clean Renewable Energy by 2050.
WHERAS, Per Resolution 181066 introduced by Councilwoman Blondell Reynolds Brown, the 2018 National Climate Assessment maintains that we still have the capacity to limit the effects of climate change. To do so, awareness of climate change must extend to all levels of government. The City of Philadelphia must continue to take the lead in advancing proactive climate change solutions, a number of which are already in development thanks to unprecedented efforts by the Office of Sustainability, the Philadelphia Energy Authority, and various City agencies and departments; and
WHERAS, According to the Office of Sustainability's "Clean Energy Vision Plan" since 2006 carbon emissions from City-owned and -operated buildings and streetlights have decreased by more than 26 percent. The City of Philadelphia will deepen this progress and demonstrate leadership in climate action by implementing its Energy Master Plan to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions from City-owned buildings; and
WHEREAS, Mayor James F. Kenney has committed to reducing the City of Philadelphia's carbon footprint by 80% before the year 2050; and has pledged support for the City of Philadelphia to transition its energy to 100% clean renewable energy through the "Mayors for 100% Clean Energy" in June 2017; and
WHEREAS, The City of Philadelphia has committed to "doing its part to meet the obligations of the United States under the Paris Accord to limit global warming to 1.50 C above pre-industrial levels" per resolution number 170706 signed in September 2017; and
WHEREAS, The City of Philadelphia has committees to reducing its per capita energy consumption through increased efficiency; and
WHEREAS, The City of Philadelphia is obligated to take actions in accordance with Article 1 Section 27 of the Pennsylvania State Constitution, ensuring the peop...
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