Designating the week of January 28, 2002, through February 1, 2002, as Catholic Schools Week in the City of Philadelphia.
WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Philadelphia joins the one hundred thousand students and teachers throughout the Archdiocese of Philadelphia in celebrating Catholic Schools Week and we recognize this year’s theme, “Where Faith and Knowledge Meet.”
WHEREAS, Education remains the most fundamental element of our future; our gift to our children as parents, teachers and communities is to help them enter their future with the knowledge, the skills and the resolve to confront and overcome the difficult tasks of life; and
WHEREAS, Since the first Catholic school in Philadelphia opened in 1782, Catholic schools have endeavored to educate students, instill positive values and guide students toward a future opportunity and hope. Today, ninety-one percent of Catholic school graduates attend college, technical and trade schools. These graduates contribute to the social enrichment, moral stability and economic security of Philadelphia and the region; and
WHEREAS, Saint Monica Parish and School was founded in 1895 to serve a growing community. By November 1908, 600 children attended the elementary school in the rapidly growing parish and there was a new school dedicated next to the church. By 1920, the 160 families of 1895 had grown to more than 1,100 families and the Saint Monica Business School was established, providing many students with a viable business course; and
WHEREAS, Saint Monica Parish and School remain to this day a vibrant part of the South Philadelphia community. The parish is 5,400 families strong and there are 850 children enrolled in its two schools. As recipients of an educational system that has instilled high moral values and established rigorous standards of educational excellence, graduates of Saint Monica School achieve success in all careers and walks of life. This outstanding school shapes the minds and hearts of future citizens and stresses the dignity and worth of the individual, the love of God, educational excellence and spiritual and moral values; now therefore
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That we proudly designate the week of January 28th through February 1, 2002 as Catholic Schools Week in the City of Philadelphia and recognize this year’s theme, “Where Faith and Knowledge Meet.”
FURTHER RESOLVED, That an Engrossed copy of this resolution shall be presented to Sister Rita Murphy, I.H.M., Principal, Saint Monica School, as evidence of the sincere sentiments of this legislative body.
Office of the President
January 29, 2002