File #: 250148    Version: 0 Name:
Type: Bill Status: HELD IN COMMITTEE
File created: 2/27/2025 In control: Committee on Streets and Services
On agenda: Final action:
Title: Amending Chapter 12-3400 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Use of An Automated Speed Enforcement System to Improve Safety," by providing for the use, administration and enforcement of automated speed cameras on routes located within specified school zones, under certain terms and conditions.?
Sponsors: Councilmember Thomas, Councilmember Phillips, Councilmember Gilmore Richardson, Councilmember Landau, Councilmember O'Rourke, Councilmember Driscoll, Councilmember Squilla, Councilmember Ahmad
Attachments: 1. Bill No. 25014800


Amending Chapter 12-3400 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Use of An Automated Speed Enforcement System to Improve Safety,” by providing for the use, administration and enforcement of automated speed cameras on routes located within specified school zones, under certain terms and conditions. 





SECTION 1. Chapter 12-3400 of The Philadelphia Code is hereby amended to read as follows:




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§ 12-3402. Speed Limit Violations Using Automated Enforcement.


 The owner of a vehicle that is recorded by an automated speed enforcement system exceeding the posted speed limit established under Section 3362 of the Vehicle Code (relating to maximum speed limits) or under Section 3365(b) (relating to special speed limitations) by 11 miles per hour or more at a location designated and equipped pursuant to this Chapter is in violation of this Chapter and Section 3370 of the Vehicle Code (relating to automated speed enforcement on designated highways) or Section 3371 of the Vehicle Code (relating to automated speed enforcement in designated school zones), and subject to the fines and penalties established herein.



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§ 12-3403. Locations at Which an Automated System May Be Installed.


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(2)                      No automated system shall be used on a corridor identified in subsection 12-3403(1) unless: 


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(3)                      An automated speed enforcement system may be used to enforce this Chapter at the following locations, provided that no more than five (5) of the following school zones operate an active automated speed enforcement system concurrently:


(a)                     Visitation B.V.M. School zone on East Lehigh Avenue between B Street and Kensington Avenue.


(b)                     John B. Stetson Middle School zone on East Allegheny Avenue between A Street and B Street.


(c)                     KIPP North Philadelphia Charter School zone on 16th Street between Cumberland Street and Huntingdon Street.


                     (d)                     Widener Memorial School zone on West Olney Avenue between Broad Street and 16th Street.


                           (e)                     Northeast High School zone on Cottman Avenue between Algon Avenue and Glendale Avenue.


                           (f)                     High School of the Future school zone on West Girard Avenue between 39th Street and 40th Street.


                          (g)                     William L. Sayre High School zone on Walnut Street between 58th Street and 59th Street.


(4)                      No automated system shall be operated in a school zone identified in subsection 12-3403(3) unless for each active school zone: 


(a)                     warning signs are conspicuously posted as follows:


  (.1)   two signs warning that an automated speed system is active and in use shall be posted at the beginning, and two such signs shall be posted at the end, of the stretch of each school zone along which camera locations may be installed; and


 (.2)    at least one sign shall be posted before the area in which each automated speed enforcement device is used, providing notification that a device is in use immediately ahead.


 (b)   an official traffic-control device with a posted speed limit of no greater than 15 miles per hour is flashing as an indication that the designated school zone is active; and


(c)   a notice identifying the location of the automated speed enforcement system is posted on the publicly accessible Internet website of the Philadelphia Parking Authority.


(5)                      The Philadelphia Parking Authority shall provide notice to the Department of Transportation thirty (30) days prior to the operation of an automated speed enforcement system at a designated school zone listed in Section 3. 


(6)                     When an active automated speed enforcement system is operated at a designated school zone listed in Section 3, fines for violations of this Chapter are not authorized until after thirty (30) days following commencement of active system operation. The Philadelphia Parking Authority may, however, issue written warnings for violations during the initial thirty days of active operation. 


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§ 12-3410. Limitations.


Use and maintenance of: an automated speed enforcement system; the images obtained in the use of such a system; and registered vehicle owner information obtained in connection with use of such a system shall be subject to the protections and limitations set forth in Section 3370(f) and Section 3371(f) of The Vehicle [Code.] Code, as applicable.


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SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be effective immediately. 






[Brackets] indicate matter deleted.

Italics indicate new matter added.
