File #: 000216    Version: 0 Name:
Type: Bill Status: ENACTED
File created: 4/13/2000 In control: Committee on Rules
On agenda: Final action: 6/1/2000
Title: Approving the redevelopment proposal of the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia for the redevelopment of a portion of the Germantown Redevelopment Area, Wister III Urban Renewal Area being the area generally bounded by Wakefield street and Baynton street, between Wister street and Shedaker street, on the north; Shedaker street and Logan street on the east; Greene street on the south and Queen lane and Bringhurst street, between Germantown avenue and Wakefield street, on the west; approving the urban renewal plan and determining that such plan and redevelopment proposal conform to the general locality plan and make adequate provisions for individuals, business concerns and families who are displaced; determining the necessity for changes in and for zoning, streets, alleys, public ways, street patterns, location and relocation of public utilities; determining that the urban renewal plan and redevelopment proposal prohibit discrimination because of race, color, creed, sex,...
Sponsors: Councilmember Miller
Attachments: 1. CertifiedCopy00021600.pdf


Approving the redevelopment proposal of the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia for the redevelopment of a portion of the Germantown Redevelopment Area, Wister III Urban Renewal Area being the area generally bounded by Wakefield street and Baynton street, between Wister street and Shedaker street, on the north; Shedaker street and Logan street on the east; Greene street on the south and Queen lane and Bringhurst street, between Germantown avenue and Wakefield street, on the west; approving the urban renewal plan and determining that such plan and redevelopment proposal conform to the general locality plan and make adequate provisions for individuals, business concerns and families who are displaced; determining the necessity for changes in and for zoning, streets, alleys, public ways, street patterns, location and relocation of public utilities; determining that the urban renewal plan and redevelopment proposal prohibit discrimination because of race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry or handicap; declaring that condemnation is not imminent with respect to the Project, except as otherwise expressly provided for in the proposal; and declaring the redevelopment undertakings in the Project to be an important part of the City's program to remove and prevent the spread of urban blight.


WHEREAS, In accordance with the provisions of the Urban Redevelopment Law, being the Act of May 24,1945, P.L. 991, as amended and supplemented, the City Planning Commission of the City of Philadelphia (hereinafter "Commission") has on September 10, 1963, certified the Germantown Redevelopment Area as a blighted area; and


WHEREAS, The Commission has completed a detailed redevelopment area plan for the Germantown Redevelopment Area dated July 11, 1967; and


WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Authority has prepared a redevelopment proposal, dated February, 2000 for the redevelopment of a portion of the Germantown Redevelopment Area, Wister m Urban Renewal Area (hereinafter "Project"), in conformity with the aforesaid Redevelopment Area Plan, which redevelopment proposal has been certified by the Commission to the Council; and


WHEREAS, The Commission has submitted to the Council its report and recommendations respecting the redevelopment of the Project and the redevelopment proposal, and has certified that said redevelopment conforms to the general plan for the City as a whole; and


WHEREAS, The redevelopment proposal for the Project prescribes certain land uses and requires, among other things, changes in zoning, streets, alleys, public ways, street patterns, the location and relocation of public utilities and other public facilities, and other public action; and


WHEREAS, No person shall, on the ground of race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry or handicap, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in the undertakings and carrying out of the Project; and


WHEREAS, Council desires to take appropriate action with respect to the redevelopment proposal and the redevelopment of the Project.  After duly advertised public hearings have been held for this purpose as required by law, the Committee on Rules of the Council has recommended the approval by the Council of the said redevelopment proposal and that no objections have been filed by any department, bureau or agency of the City to the redevelopment proposal; and


WHEREAS, The redevelopment proposal will effectuate the redevelopment of the Germantown Redevelopment Area, Wister m Urban Renewal Area, thereby promoting the economic and general welfare of the City; now therefore




SECTION 1. The redevelopment proposal dated February, 2000, including the detailed redevelopment area plan, the maps, and all other documents and supporting data which form part of the proposal submitted by the Redevelopment Authority for the Germantown Redevelopment Area, Wister III Urban Renewal Area (hereinafter called "Project"), having been duly reviewed and considered, is approved. The Redevelopment Authority is authorized to take such action as may be necessary to carry it out. Council authorizes the Redevelopment Authority to proceed with minor changes in substantial conformity with the said redevelopment proposal, as long as said minor changes are in conformity with the then current area redevelopment plan for the Project. The Project is bounded as follows:


Beginning at a point of intersection of the centerline of Greene street (fifty feet wide) and the centerline of Queen lane (fifty feet wide); thence extending northeastward along the centerline of Queen lane to a point of intersection with the centerline of Germantown avenue (sixty feet wide); thence extending southeastward along the centerline of Germantown avenue to a point of intersection with the centerline of Bringhurst street (thirty four feet); thence extending northeastward along the centerline of Bringhurst street to a point of intersection with the centerline of Wakefield street (forty feet wide); thence extending southeastward along the centerline of Wakefield street, crossing the beds of Ashmead street (thirty feet wide) and Collom street (thirty two feet wide) to a point of intersection with Wister street (forty feet wide); thence extending northeastward along the centerline of Wister street to a point of intersection with the centerline of Baynton street (fifty feet wide); thence extending southeastward along the centerline of Baynton street, crossing the bed of Clapier street (forty feet wide) to a point of intersection with the centerline of Shedaker street (fifty feet wide); thence extending southwestward along the centerline of Shedaker street to a point of intersection with the centerline of aforementioned Wakefield street; thence extending southeastward along the centerline of Wakefield street to a point of intersection with the centerline of Logan street (thirty five wide); thence extending southwestward along the centerline of Logan street to a point of intersection with the centerline of aforementioned Germantown avenue; thence extending southeastward along the centerline of Germantown avenue to another point of intersection with the centerline of Logan street (fifty feet wide at this point); thence extending further southwestward along the centerline of said Logan street, crossing the bed of Royal street (fifty feet wide) to a point of intersection with the centerline of aforementioned Greene street; thence extending northwestward along the centerline of Greene street, crossing the beds of Seymour street (fifty feet wide), Garfield street (twenty seven feet wide), Reger street (forty feet wide), Manheim street (fifty feet wide), Ashmead street (fifty feet wide) and Hansberry street (fifty feet wide) to a point of intersection with the centerline of Queen lane, being the first mentioned point and place of beginning.


SECTION 2. Council finds and declares that the Urban Renewal Plan for the Project is approved and is in conformity with the redevelopment area plan and that:


                     (a)                     The Urban Renewal Plan conforms to the general plan for the development of the locality as a whole;


                     (b)                     Financial aid may be necessary to enable the land located within the area to be redeveloped in accordance with the redevelopment proposal;


                     (c)                     The Urban Renewal Plan affords maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the locality as a whole, for the redevelopment of the area by private enterprise under the circumstances;


                     (d)                     Changes in zoning, streets, alleys, public ways, street patterns, location and relocation of sewer and water mains and other public facilities and utilities shown in the proposal are reasonable and necessary under the circumstances;


                     (e)                     The Urban Renewal Plan and Redevelopment Proposal meet all of the conditions and requirements as provided by Federal, State and Local laws and the regulations, promulgated thereunder, including but not limited to the nondiscrimination and fair practice provisions of Chapter 9-1100 of The Philadelphia Code, for the purpose of prohibiting discrimination.


SECTION 3. Council finds and declares that the redevelopment proposal is in conformity with the Germantown Redevelopment Area Plan.


SECTION 4. Council further finds and declares that the relocation plan for the Project adequately provides relocation into decent, safe, and sanitary housing, with a minimum of hardship for all individuals and families which are to be displaced. Council further finds and declares that the relocation plan adequately provides, according to law, for assistance to aid in relocation and to minimize the displacement of business concerns which are to be displaced. 


SECTION 5. The Redevelopment Authority is authorized to prepare or cause to be prepared for introduction into the Council such ordinances or resolutions as may be necessary for changes in zoning, streets, alleys, public ways, street patterns and location and relocation of public utilities in order to implement and facilitate the redevelopment proposal hereby approved. Accordingly the Council hereby declares that it will cooperate in helping to carry out such redevelopment proposal and requests the various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City having administrative responsibilities in the premises likewise to cooperate to such end and to exercise their respective functions and powers in manner consistent herewith.


SECTION 6. Council is cognizant that condemnation, except as otherwise expressly provided for in the hereby approved redevelopment proposal, is not imminent with respect to the Project or the properties included therein, such said condemnation being subject to the availability of public funds and to future modifications, if any, in the redevelopment proposal.  Council is further aware that general and special notice of the imminence of said condemnation will be publicly announced by the Redevelopment Authority through all appropriate news media and as required by law.


SECTION 7. Council finds that the redevelopment undertakings in the Project are declared to be an important part of the City's program to remove and prevent the spread of blight for which public money may be spent, to eliminate pockets of deterioration which are detrimental to the health, welfare and safety of the public and to meet necessary and desirable site requirements, thus adding to the economic and tax base of the City.
