Authorizing City Council's Committee on Fiscal Stability to hold hearings regarding the feasibility and benefits of implementing a coordinated municipal advertising program in Philadelphia.
WHEREAS, The City of Philadelphia has an interest in exploring new and innovative methods of generating revenue that will ultimately benefit the citizenry as a whole; and
WHEREAS, Advertising on publicly owned property is a proven revenue generating vehicle which can significantly enhance the City’s general fund; and
WHEREAS, A coordinated street furniture program can significantly improve the appearance, quality and coordination of street amenities, including bus shelters, telephone and information kiosks, public toilets, newspaper vending machines, and newsstands; and
WHEREAS, In addition to providing an alternative revenue stream, street furniture can make streets more pedestrian friendly by enhancing public circulation and safety, and promoting a positive city identity; and
WHEREAS, Revenue can be realized from allowing private entities to utilize certain approved public facilities for advertising purposes, and even further through private sponsorship of certain public facilities.
WHEREAS, Municipal advertising also provides an opportunity to reduce the total amount of advertising while simultaneously increasing its overall value and revenue for the City, helping to ensure that the consumer is not overwhelmed by media clutter; and
WHEREAS, Comparable programs have been implemented mostly in San Francisco, Boston, Dallas, and St. Louis; and several European cities; and
WHEREAS, These and other cities have realized significant revenue gains through the use of such advertising, with many cities generating upwards of $40 million in advertising revenue; now therfore be it
RESOLVED, That City Council’s Committee on Fiscal Stability be authorized to hold hearings regarding the benefits of implementing a coordinated municipal advertising program in Philadelphia.