Authorizing the Streets Commissioner and Procurement Commissioner, on behalf of the City, to enter into an Agreement with Covanta Sustainable Solutions, LLC pursuant to which Covanta will receive municipal solid waste to be collected by or on behalf of the City, and transfer and dispose that municipal solid waste, over a four-year term, with three one-year renewal terms at the sole discretion of the City.
WHEREAS, Pursuant to Section 304 of the Pennsylvania Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act (Act 101), 53 P.S. 4000.304, the City is responsible for the collection and disposal of municipal waste generated or present within its boundaries, and is expressly authorized to contract with any person to satisfy its responsibility for the collection and disposal of municipal waste generated or present within its boundaries; and
WHEREAS, The Mayor of Philadelphia has appointed a Solid Waste Advisory Committee (“SWAC”) to develop a Solid Waste Management Plan pursuant to the requirements of the Pennsylvania Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act of 1988; and
WHEREAS, The Streets Department, acting with the Procurement Department and with the advice of the SWAC, developed a comprehensive request for proposals to secure the required waste disposal contracts; and
WHEREAS, The responses to these requests have been evaluated by the City to select those vendors of transfer stations and disposal capability which are best qualified in terms of cost, environmental impact, neighborhood impact, and operational efficiency; and
WHEREAS, Based on this evaluation, Covanta Sustainable Solutions, LLC has been selected to dispose of a part of the City’s Municipal Solid Waste; now, therefore,
The Council of the City of Philadelphia hereby ordains:
SECTION 1. The Streets Commissioner and the Procurement Commissioner, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, are hereby authorized to enter into an Agreement for waste disposal services with Covanta Sustainable Solutions, LLC, which Agreement shall be substantially in the form of Exhibit “A” attached hereto and made a part hereof.
SECTION 2. The Economic Opportunity Plan for the Agreement, which will be an exhibit to the Agreement, is attached hereto as Exhibit “B.”
SECTION 3. The City Solicitor is hereby authorized to review and approve the agreements necessary to effectuate this Ordinance, and to impose such terms and conditions on them as the City Solicitor may deem necessary and proper to protect the interests of the City and to carry out the purpose of this Ordinance.
SECTION 4. The Chief Clerk of City Council shall keep all Exhibits to this ordinance on file and make them available to the public for inspection and copying during regular office hours.
[Note: Exhibits to this Bill are on file in the Office of the Chief Clerk.]