Authorizing the City Council Committees on Law & Government and Public Safety to investigate the efficiency and the effectiveness of replicating the Philadelphia Drug Treatment Court to increase its capacity to treat Philadelphia citizens, save lives, and reduce expensive, burdensome and ineffective jail time.
WHEREAS, Drug and alcohol addiction harms families and workplaces, as well as individuals; and
WHEREAS, The failure of many treatment programs leads to continuing use of drugs and alcohol; and
WHEREAS, Drug addiction and alcoholism are a major factor in crime; and
WHEREAS, Early prevention has been shown to save lives and families from tragedy and indescribable suffering, in addition to saving society billions of dollars in judicial and health care expenses; and
WHEREAS, The Philadelphia Drug Treatment Court stands out as one model drug treatment program which is, and has been, both successful and cost effective throughout its six year history; and
WHEREAS, The Philadelphia Drug Treatment Court can currently only handle about 600 people per year; and
WHEREAS, This model is based upon a proven national network of similarly successful, scientifically based programs, whose success is based upon a multiplicity of support services and a strict accountability of results; and
WHEREAS, The Philadelphia Drug Treatment Court under the leadership of President Judge Louis Prezenza has been named one of the model courts for the entire national drug court network; now therefore
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That it hereby authorizes the Committees on Law & Government and Public Safety to investigate the effectiveness of replicating the Philadelphia Drug Treatment Court to increase the treatment of Philadelphia citizens, save lives and reduce expensive, burdensome, and ineffective jail time; and
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Chairperson of the Committee on Law & Government, in furtherance of such investigation, is hereby authorized to issue such subpoenas as may be necessary, or appropriate to compel, the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents to the full extent authorized under Section 2-401 of the Home Rule Charter.