Recognizing Friday, February 21, 2025, as International Mother Language Day to honor the brave souls who, on this day in 1952, sacrificed their lives to retain the right to use their mother language Bangla also known as Bengali.
WHEREAS, Language is vital for communication and also a source of pride especially connecting individuals to their roots and heritage. Language is crucial for the growth and prosperity of our human society because it allows people to communicate, foster connections, and create a sense of community; and
WHEREAS, International Mother Language Day raises awareness about the importance of preserving linguistic diversity, developing good citizenship, social justice, and equal access to education for all; and advocating for multilingualism to foster success; and
WHEREAS, The City of Philadelphia is the proud home to a diverse culture, nationalities, religions, ethnicities, and rich tradition of its residents who speak more than 85 native languages and dialects and Councilmember At-Large Dr. Nina Ahmad shares in this cultural heritage; and
WHEREAS, In November 1999, The General Conference of the United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) recognized February 21st of every year as “International Mother Language Day,” paying tribute to those activists in Bangladesh who lost their lives during the Bengali language movement to safeguard the rights to use their mother language; and
WHEREAS, this February 21st, 2025, the City of Philadelphia encourages all residents to practice and promote all mother languages and create an equitable society that will allow everyone to communicate and access any information in the language they understand best, now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, Hereby recognizes Friday, February 21, 2025, as International Mother Language Day to honor the brave souls who, on this day in 1952, sacrificed their lives to retain the right to use their mother language Bangla also known as Bengali;
FURTHER RESOLVED, The City of Philadelphia acknowledges the rich culture, tradition, and heritage of diverse communities and promotes all mother languages and the importance of connecting communities to ensure “unity among diversity.”