Authorizing the Commissioner of Procurement and the Chief Executive Officer, Philadelphia International Airport, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, to enter into a Concession Agreement with Kale Info Solutions, Inc., for the implementation and operation of an Airport Cargo Community System for the Philadelphia International Airport, under certain terms and conditions.
SECTION 1. The Commissioner of Procurement and the Chief Executive Officer, Philadelphia International Airport, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, are hereby authorized to enter into a Concession Agreement with Kale Info Solutions, Inc., for the implementation and operation of an Airport Cargo Community System for the Philadelphia International Airport (PHL).
SECTION 2. The Concession Agreement authorized by this ordinance shall substantially incorporate the provisions set forth in “Exhibit A” to this ordinance.
SECTION 3. The City Solicitor is hereby authorized to review and to approve, prior to execution, all instruments and documents necessary to effectuate this Ordinance, which instruments and documents shall contain such terms and conditions as the City Solicitor shall deem necessary and proper to protect the interests of the City.
Airport Cargo Community System Agreement Term Sheet
1. Parties. The City of Philadelphia acting through its Procurement Department and its Department of Commerce, Division of Aviation (the “City”) and Kale Info Solutions, Inc. (the “Concessionaire”).
2. Term. The Term of the Agreement, upon City Council authorization, is for five years, commencing on or about January 1, 2022, with one (5) year renewal term, subject to the City’s right to terminate the Concession Agreement, at the sole option of the City, without cost or penalty to the City, at any time after the expiration of the fourth year following the date of the Concession Agreement, as specified in Section 3.17 of the Request for Proposal which is incorporated and made a part of the Concession Agreement.
3. Concessionaire Duties. Concessionaire shall design, develop, implement and maintain a common-use Airport Cargo Community System (ACCS), in accordance with City functional, IT infrastructure, and security requirements. The ACCS will provide an electronic means for airport stakeholders to share and access information and documentation related to air cargo shipments, including the location and status of shipments, processing, clearance, acceptance and delivery.
4. Concession and Compensation Model. Concessionaire will charge for its services on a user-fee basis exclusively, invoicing participating stakeholders directly for access to the system. PHL is not a participating stakeholder. Concessionaire will pay the City as a concession fee the greater of a Minimum Annual Guarantee of $1,000.00 or 15% of Gross Revenues.
5. Minority/Woman Business Enterprises. The Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) established a goal for this concession opportunity of Best and Good Faith Efforts. The OEO determined the Concessionaire to be responsive and responsible without commitments made to M/WBE firms.