Expressing support of National Adoption Month and declaring November 2014 to be Adoption Month in Philadelphia and recognize the Philadelphia Department of Human Services for their work to assure stability in the lives of children who are waiting for families.
WHEREAS, National Adoption Month was first designated in 1995. The focus of National Adoption Month is the adoption of children in foster care; and
WHEREAS, Across the Nation in the last ten years over 500,000 children have been adopted, however, nearly 400,000 children remain in foster care, of these foster children, 102,000 are waiting to be adopted; and
WHEREAS, The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Children's Bureau 2013 Fiscal Year report indicates that 1,878 adoptions took place in Pennsylvania, and 1,908 children in Pennsylvania foster care are waiting to be adopted; and
WHEREAS, The Children's Bureau declared that the 2014 National Adoption Month initiative is Promoting and Supporting Sibling Connections, emphasizing the importance of the bond between siblings as research, has demonstrated that sibling bonds are essential to a child's mental development and emotional well-being; and
WHEREAS, Hundreds of children each year await adoption and prospective parents await a child; yet many children reach adulthood without obtaining a permanent home; and
WHEREAS, The Philadelphia Department of Human Services works to pair children with guardians that care for the physical, mental, emotional and cultural needs of the children; and
WHEREAS, The Philadelphia Department of Human Services endeavors to maintain sibling relationships by placing siblings in the same home or by ensuring that siblings can stay in contact; and
WHEREAS, In November, we recognize the thousands of new and loving families that have been created through adoption while raising awareness of the thousands of children and sibling groups still waiting, and acknowledge the dedication of the adoption professionals who offer guidance, resources and counseling every day; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That council does hereby declare November 2014 as Adoption Month in the City of Philadelphia.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That an Engrossed copy of this resolution be presented to the Philadelphia Department of Human Services for their commitment to providing children with safe homes and loving families as evidence of the sincere sentiments of this legislative body.