Urging the United States Senate not to pass H.R. 1, the Full Year Continuing Appropriations Act of 2011, which would result in funding cuts of almost $150 million impacting Philadelphia, including a sixty-six (66) percent cut in funds for the Community Development Block Grant program, and to maintain funding for the impacted programs at the fiscal year 2010 funding levels.
WHEREAS, On February 18, 2011, the United State House of Representatives passed H.R. 1, the Full Year Continuing Appropriations Act of 2011; and
WHEREAS, If enacted into law, H.R. 1 would result in a cut of almost $150 million in funding for programs and initiatives in Philadelphia, including a $15 million reduction in Head Start; a $6.7 million cut in Workforce Investment Act funds for job training and jobs programs; and a $3 million reduction in Community Services Block Grant funding, which supports a variety of social services programs, including the Foster Grandparents Program and supportive housing shelters; and
WHEREAS, The cuts in H.R. 1 include a sixty-six (66) percent cut in funds for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, which would reduce Philadelphia's CDBG funding by nearly $37 million form $55 million to $18 million; and
WHEREAS, The CDBG program is the largest source of funding for the City of Philadelphia's vast array of housing, community and economic development activities and programs; and
WHEREAS, A sixty-six (66) percent cut in CDBG funds would dramatically reduce or eliminate funding for the preservation of existing housing units through the Basic Systems Repair Program; the creation of new affordable rental and homeownership housing units; and the production of special needs and homeless housing; and
WHEREAS, a sixty-six (66) percent cut in CDBG funds would dramatically reduce or eliminate housing counseling services to first-time homebuyers and mortgage foreclosure prevention counseling to those households facing foreclosure. These counseling services have proven successful in keeping people in their homes and preventing homelessness; and
WHEREAS, A sixty-six (66) percent cut in CDBG funds would dramatically reduce or eliminate programs and activities that assist businesses; revitalize neighborhood commercial corridors; and stabilize and expand the City's employment base; and
WHEREAS, A sixty-six (66) percent cut in CDBG funds would dramatically reduce or eliminate funding for vacant land management; community outreach and planning; childcare facilities; and employment and jobs training programs; now, therefore
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That this Council hereby urges the United States Senate not to pass H.R. 1, the Full Year Continuing Appropriations Act of 2011, which would result in funding cuts of almost $150 million impacting Philadelphia, including a sixty-six (66) percent cut of funds for the Community Development Block Grant program, and to maintain funding for the impacted programs at the fiscal year 2010 funding levels, which will enable the City of Philadelphia to continue to strengthen and preserve neighborhoods; foster economic growth; and create housing and economic opportunities for all Philadelphians.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Chief Clerk is directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Majority Leader of the United States Senate, Senator Robert P. Casey, Jr. and Senator Patrick J. Toomey as evidence of the grave concern of this legislative body.