Acknowledging January 2012, as National Mentoring Month on their 11th Anniversary, and proclaiming January 26, 2012 as "Thank Your Mentor Day" -here in Philadelphia.
WHEREAS, President Barack Obama recently declared January National Mentoring Month, stating that mentors set a positive example and sharing their time, knowledge and experience and play an essential role in preparing our Nation's youth for a bright future; and
WHEREAS, National Mentoring Month highlights mentoring and the positive impact it has on young lives; and
WHEREAS, This month-long outreach campaign focuses national attention on the need for mentors, as well as how each of us—individuals, businesses, government agencies, schools, faith communities and nonprofits—can work together to increase the number of mentors and assure brighter futures for our young people; and
WHEREAS, Mentoring programs can help to provide otherwise absent assistance and guidance to many young people who are without a caring and responsible adult mentor who can provide encouragement and support; and
WHEREAS, All young people have the potential to succeed in life and contribute to society, but not all children get the support they need to thrive; and
WHEREAS, National Mentoring Month is a extension of local opportunities to recruit encourage, and develop young minds within the work environments such as the City of Philadelphia's Student Internship Tax Credit; and
WHEREAS, While mentoring is not always formally organized, a structured mentoring experience can provide a trusting relationship that brings young people in need together with caring individuals who offer guidance, support and encouragement aimed at developing the character and strengths of the mentee; and
WHEREAS, A mentor is an adult who, along with parents, provides a young person with support, guidance, friendship, encouragement, reinforcement and constructive example; and
WHEREAS, Organizations must also take responsibility by sponsoring mentoring programs and therefore making an investment in the future; and
WHEREAS, National Mentoring Month's website reports that there is a 250% return on even a $1 investment in mentoring, as mentoring is proven to help increase academic success and better prepare mentees for the workplace; and
WHEREAS, Mentoring in America reports that 96% of mentors would recommend mentoring to others and a Public Private Ventures study of Big Brothers Big Sisters recently showed that active participants were 46% less likely than their peers to start using illegal drugs, 27% less likely to start drinking, 52% less likely than their peers skip a day of school, and 37% less likely to skip class; and
WHEREAS, "Thank Your Mentor Day" - January 26, 2012, will mark the eighth annual "Thank Your Mentor Day," which many mentoring programs selected as a day of volunteer recognition; now therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE CITY COUNCIL OFPHILADELPHIA, That it hereby acknowledge January 2012, as National Mentoring Month on their 11th Anniversary, and proclaim January 26, 2012 as "Thank Your Mentor Day" -here in Philadelphia.