Authorizing the Procurement Commissioner, on behalf of the City, to enter into an agreement with Bicycle Transit Systems for the delivery of a bicycle sharing system under certain terms and conditions.
WHEREAS, The City is committed to promoting environmentally responsible transportation initiatives and to supporting alternative modes of transportation, including bicycles; and
WHEREAS, The Philadelphia City Council adopted Resolutions 080581 and 080588 to conduct hearings and request a report about the feasibility of a bicycle sharing system; and
WHEREAS, The City received a bicycle share system feasibility study for Philadelphia in 2009; and
WHEREAS, The City has evaluated the bicycle sharing systems that have been implemented in cities in the United States and in other countries; and
WHEREAS, The City has determined that a bicycle sharing system will enhance the existing public transportation system; and
WHEREAS, The City has determined that a bicycle sharing system can help reduce dependency on automobiles, particularly for short trips, thereby reducing traffic congestion, vehicle emissions, and the demand for parking; and
WHEREAS, The City has determined that residents with low incomes stand to benefit the most from a new low-cost transportation option; and
WHEREAS, The bicycle sharing system will from the time of launch service neighborhoods beyond the business district, specifically seeking to provide a convenient and affordable transportation option in neighborhoods with many residents with low incomes; and
WHEREAS, The City commissioned a bicycle sharing system strategic business plan which was completed in June 2013; and
WHEREAS, The City issued a request for proposals in September 2013 and has evaluated the proposals of qualified providers of bicycle sharing systems; and
WHEREAS, The City has determined that Bicycle Transit Systems (the Provider) can provide the Bicycle Sharing System (System) that provides the best value for the City; and
WHEREAS, The Provider will provide all equipment and technology necessary for the System and Provider will plan, assemble, install, develop, implement and operate such equipment and technology, and to provide on-going operational support and maintenance of the System; and
WHEREAS, The Mayor and City Council have committed Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000) of the City's Capital Funds to provide initial funding for the System; now, therefore
SECTION 1. The Procurement Commissioner, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Bicycle Transit Systems for the provision of all equipment and technology necessary for a Bicycle Sharing System, and that requires Bicycle Transit Systems to plan, assemble, install, develop, implement and operate such equipment and technology, and to provide on-going operational support and maintenance of the System, pursuant to terms substantially as set forth in the document attached hereto as Exhibit A.
SECTION 2. The City Solicitor is hereby authorized to review and to approve the agreement necessary to effectuate this Ordinance, and to impose such terms and conditions on them as the City Solicitor may deem necessary and proper to protect the interests of the City of Philadelphia and to carry out the purpose of this Ordinance.
[Note: Exhibits to this Bill are on file in the Office of the Chief Clerk.]