Recognizing and honoring Dana Jenkins, Principal of Roxborough High School, on the occasion of her retirement, after twenty years of dedication and service to the School District of Philadelphia.
WHEREAS, Dana Jenkins is a native Philadelphian and product of the City’s public school system. Jenkins graduated from Simon Gratz High School in 1976 and went on to attend Drexel University, where she attained her Bachelor of Sciences in Business Education. After graduating from Drexel, Jenkins worked for the Internal Revenue Service in their Labor Relations Department. In 1998, Jenkins attained her Master’s in Education from Cheyney University; and
WHEREAS, Jenkins began her teaching career at Ada Lewis Middle School in 1997. She became the first African American teacher in Philadelphia to be National Board Certified in 2001. Jenkins then served as Administrative Local Management Officer at Kensington High School in 2002. She returned to the classroom in 2004 at Paul Robeson High School and was a School Growth Teacher from 2005 to 2007; and
WHEREAS, Jenkins began her journey at Roxborough High School in 2008 with her appointment as Assistant Principal. She held that title until her promotion to Principal of Roxborough High School in 2014; and
WHEREAS, Jenkins has had an incredibly distinguished career in education, earning awards such as the Marcus Foster Outstanding Administrator in 2013, The Lindback Foundation Distinguished Principal in 2015 and The Philadelphia Academic Inc. Principal of the Year in 2019; and
WHEREAS, Jenkins also made mentorship a priority-helping three Assistant Principals to become Principals of other schools in Philadelphia. Additionally, Jenkins guided five teachers to Lindback Awards in the fields of English, Art, Special Education and Business. She also guided Academies at Roxborough High School to National Career Academy model status in 2019, the first school to do so in Philadelphia and on the East Coast; and
WHEREAS, Jenkins has been married to her husband, Reverend Anthony Jenkins for 34 years and they have two children, Danea and Antonya. She is also a proud new grandmother to Arie Knova; and
WHEREAS, Dana Jenkins retired on September 2, 2020 after 20 years of dedicated service to the School District of Philadelphia and the education community; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That it hereby recognizes and honors Dana Jenkins, Principal of Roxborough High School, on the occasion of her retirement, after twenty years of dedication and service to the School District of Philadelphia.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That an Engrossed copy of this resolution be presented to Dana Jenkins as evidence of the sincere sentiments of this legislative body.