Establishing parking regulations in the vicinity of: Wynnewood road and Malvern street; N. 52nd street and Overbrook avenue; Market street and N. 57th street; Oxford street and N. 59th street; Edgewood street and Market street; Frazier street and Market street; Salford street and Market street; N. 63rd street and Arch street.
SECTION 1. The following parking regulation is hereby established:
Two-Hour Parking
7:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Monday - Friday
Except RPP #3
Wynnewood road, south side, Malvern street to Woodbine street.
SECTION 2. The following parking regulation is hereby established:
Two Hour Parking
6:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Monday - Friday
Except RPP #3
N. 52nd street, east side, Overbrook avenue to City Line Avenue;
N. 52nd street, west side, Church road to Overbrook avenue.
SECTION 3. The following parking regulation is hereby established:
Two-Hour Parking
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Monday - Friday
Except RPP #3 and 2
Market street, both sides, N. 57th street to N. 58th street.
SECTION 4. The following parking regulation is hereby established:
Two-Hour Parking
8:00 AM - 6:30 PM
Monday - Friday
Except RPP #3
Oxford street, south side, N. 59th street to N. 57th street.
SECTION 5. The following parking regulation is hereby established:
Two-Hour Parking
8:00 AM - 6:30 PM
Monday - Friday
Except RPP #3 and 2
Edgewood street, east side, Market street to Arch street.
SECTION 6. The following parking regulation is hereby established:
Two-Hour Parking
8:00 AM - 6:30 PM
Monday - Friday
Except RPP #3 and 2
Frazier street, east side, Market street to Arch street.
SECTION 7. The following parking regulation is hereby established:
Two-Hour Parking
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Monday - Friday
Except RPP #3 and 2
Salford street, west side, Market street to Arch street.
SECTION 8. The following parking regulation is hereby established:
Two-Hour Parking
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Monday - Friday
Except RPP #3
N. 63rd street, east side, Arch street to Race street.