Authorizing Council's Committee on Public Safety and Committee on Housing Neighborhood Development and the Homeless to hold joint hearings on the City and State's preparedness for the influx of returning veterans from war, including Iraq and Afghanistan.
WHEREAS, The United States military involvement in Iraq has ended and our involvement in Afghanistan is quickly winding down, with many of our troops due to be home by the end of 2012 and 2014 respectively; and
WHEREAS, The current economic downturn is problematic for veterans who are returning from their overseas military service and for whom job training would assist them in re-entering the workforce; and
WHEREAS, Considering the current state of the U.S. economy, post traumatic stress and other health issues, and the number of service members returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, Philadelphia and Pennsylvania face the potential of an increase of services for disabled and homeless veterans; and
WHEREAS, A specialized Veterans' Court has already been established by the City of Philadelphia to offer a diversionary program for Veterans who have been charged with first time non-violent offenses; and
WHEREAS, A coordinated effort is needed to provide these individuals with housing and nutritional meals, drug and alcohol counseling, mental health counseling, employment services, and personal development; and
WHEREAS, Additional coordination between the Veterans' Advisory Commission, State and Federal Veterans' organizations, and the City could facilitate greater access to services and programs to improve the quality of life for veterans; and
WHEREAS, Enhancing the coordination of services and benefits for veterans will help improve the overall quality of life for those who have served this country; now therefore,
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That it hereby authorizes Council's Committee on Public Safety and Committee on Housing Neighborhood Development and the Homeless to hold joint hearings on the City and State's preparedness for the influx of returning veterans from war, including Iraq and Afghanistan.