Transmitting a resolution approving the redevelopment contract and disposition supplement of the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia for the redevelopment and urban renewal of a portion of the Mantua Urban Renewal Area, designated as Parcel Nos. 153, 200, 201 & 202 and also sometimes identified by house numbers and street addresses for Parcel No. 153 as 600-618 North Thirty-fourth street, for Parcel No. 200 as 3403-3413 Haverford avenue, for Parcel No. 201 as 3408 Mount Vernon street and Parcel No. 202 as 3424-3432 Mount Vernon street and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority to execute the redevelopment contract with Presby Homes and Services, Inc. to take such action as may be necessary to effectuate the redevelopment contract and disposition supplement, accompanied by an explanatory letter from the Executive Director of the Redevelopment Authority.
U:\City Council\Man_Res_007 (Presby Homes & Services).doc