Authorizing the Council Committee on Public Health and Human Services to hold hearings regarding the steadily increasing incidents of HIV/AIDS in the city of Philadelphia and further authorizing the Committee to seek advice and recommendations on how Philadelphia can develop policies to stem this HIV/AIDS epidemic especially in minority communities.
WHEREAS, Nationally the number of persons living with HIV/AIDS continues to increase significantly; and
WHEREAS, The African American community is disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS representing almost one half of the HIV/AIDS cases but only 13% of the population; and
WHEREAS, AIDS has become the second leading cause of death for all African Americans between the ages of 35-44 and the leading cause of death in African American women between the ages of 25-34 ; and
WHEREAS, These trends explain the rise in African American children being born with HIV; and
WHEREAS, African Americans represent 66% of all HIV/AIDS cases in Philadelphia; and
WHEREAS, African American males represent 63% of all the HIV/AIDS cases among males in the city of Philadelphia; and
WHEREAS, African American women make up 76% of all the HIV/AIDS cases among women in the city of Philadelphia; and
WHEREAS, African American children, age 12 or younger, represent 78% of the HIV/AIDS cases in that age group in the City of Philadelphia; and
WHEREAS, African American teens, age 13 to 19 represent 79% of the HIV/AIDS cases in that age group in the City of Philadelphia; and
WHEREAS, Nationally and in Philadelphia not all persons with HIV have been tested, diagnosed and reported; and
WHEREAS, The increasing prevalence of persons with HIV/AIDS is challenging our economy and city services in providing medical, prevention and social services for those affected; and
WHEREAS, There is a clear need for culturally appropriate strategies to address the disparities in HIV/AIDS; and
WHEREAS, In the third decade o...
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