Honoring, recognizing and commending the Queen Memorial Branch of the Free Library of Philadelphia on the occasion of its 100th Anniversary for its extraordinary service and dedication to the citizens of Philadelphia.
WHEREAS, With a name dating back to 1895, Point Breeze was designated as one of the original Green Countrie Towns sponsored by Philadelphia Green, a program dedicated to increasing planted urban spaces; and
WHEREAS, Important neighborhood institutions include the YMCA at 17th and Christian Streets, which has served African Americans since 1889, and the Point Breeze Performing Arts Center, which was founded in 1984; and
WHEREAS, Named in honor of a Philadelphia optician, pioneer microscope maker, and philanthropist, the James W. Queen Memorial Library was founded in 1907. It was originally housed in the Hope Presbyterian Church at 33rd and Wharton Streets; and
WHEREAS, This became the Queen Memorial Branch of the Free Library of Philadelphia on December 13, 1912. In 1945, it was relocated to a rented building at 1313-15 Point Breeze Avenue; and
WHEREAS, Queen Memorial Branch opened on Tuesday January 17th, 1995 in the Landreth Apartments, a residence for seniors. The building, built in 1889, is a renovated elementary school, the former Landreth School. Mamie Nichols, Executive Director of the Point Breeze Foundation, was a prime leader behind the renovation of the school into a multi-purpose achievement center; now therefore,
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That we hereby honor, recognize, and commend the Queen Memorial Branch of the Free Library of Philadelphia on the occasion of its 100th Anniversary for its extraordinary service and dedication to the citizens of Philadelphia.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That an Engrossed copy of this resolution be presented to the Queen Memorial Branch of the Free Library of Philadelphia as evidence of the sincere sentiments of this legislative body.