Calling on the City Council Committee on Education to hold hearings investigating the status of after school programs throughout the City of Philadelphia and preparing our students to succeed in a globalized twenty-first century economy.
WHEREAS, Participating in after school programs improves students' attendance rates and academic achievements; and
WHEREAS, Students participating in North Carolina's Young Scholars Program saw a 38% higher rate of promotion to the next grade and received the grade of "F" 50% less than non-participants; and
WHEREAS, Truancy and dropout rates among students who regularly engage in after school programs are significantly lower than those of their peers who do not participate; and
WHEREAS, Elementary school students in Los Angeles participating in a city-wide after school program called "LA's Best" were 20% less likely to drop out of high school than their unsupervised peers; and
WHEREAS, After school programs keep students safe and supervised during high-risk after school hours and reduce the likelihood of juvenile delinquency; and
WHEREAS, According to a study by the YMCA, teens who do not participate in after school programs are three times more likely to use drugs than their peers; and
WHEREAS, After school programs help working parents work more hours and better provide for their families; and
WHEREAS, Worrying about their children's safety during after school hours can cause parents to miss an average of eight forty-hour work days a year; and
WHEREAS, Philadelphia's children need to excel in math, science, and foreign languages in order to succeed in our twenty-first century economy; and
WHEREAS, In communities throughout the city too many students are failing to meet statewide education standards; and
WHEREAS, American children are struggling overall to perform as well as students from other highly developed nations in math, science, and foreign languages; and
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