Approving a final plan for the continuation of the Port Richmond Industrial Development Enterprise (PRIDE) Neighborhood Improvement District ("District") beyond the date of its termination, and authorizing and directing the Committee on Rules to take all further actions required by the Community and Economic Improvement Act prior to enactment of an ordinance that would formally continue the term of the District.
WHEREAS, Pursuant to Resolution No. 070356 (adopted April 26, 2007), Council initiated action to continue, beyond its termination date on June 30, 2007, a neighborhood improvement district in the Port Richmond area, known as the Port Richmond Industrial Development Enterprise (PRIDE) District ("District"), and approved a preliminary plan for the District, all as authorized by the Community and Economic Improvement Act ("Act") (53 P.S. ยง18101 et seq.); and
WHEREAS, In accordance with the Act and Resolution No. 070356, the Committee on Rules, on June 12, 2007, held a public hearing on the preliminary plan; and
WHEREAS, Council now wishes to approve the preliminary plan as the final plan for the District, and to direct that further actions be taken as required by the Act prior to the enactment of Bill No. 070338, which would formally establish the District; now therefore
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That Council hereby approves as the final plan for the Port Richmond Industrial Development Enterprise (PRIDE) District ("District") the plan set forth in Exhibit "A" to Bill No. 070338.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Committee on Rules, is authorized and directed to take all further actions required by the Community and Economic Improvement Act ("Act") prior to enactment of Bill No. 070338, which would formally continue the term of the District beyond the date of its termination, including the holding of a public hearing on the final plan. The Clerk of Council shall arrange for all mailings and publicati...
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