Authorizing Laura Vernola and LW Restaurant Holdings, d/b/a "Deuce Restaurant," to construct, operate and maintain an open-air sidewalk café located at 1040 N. 2nd Street, under certain terms and conditions.
WHEREAS, Laura Vernola and LW Restaurant Holdings, d/b/a "Deuce Restaurant," have requested permission to construct, operate and maintain building encroachments consisting of an open-air sidewalk café located at 1040 N. 2nd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19123; now, therefore
SECTION 1. Laura Vernola and LW Restaurant Holdings, d/b/a "Deuce Restaurant," her successors and assigns, are hereby authorized to construct, operate and maintain an open-air sidewalk café with eight tables located at 1040 N. 2nd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19123, as follows:
Eight (8) tables, approximately two feet (2') wide by four feet (4') long, to accommodate thirty-two (32) occupants are proposed for the west sidewalk of N. 2nd Street adjacent to the building located at 1040 N. 2nd Street. The tables and chairs will encroach approximately four feet (4') onto the west footway of N. 2nd Street leaving approximately nine feet (9') of clear footway. The first table will be located approximately eighteen feet (18') south of the south curb line of George Street and the last table will be located approximately seventy-two feet (72') south of the south curb line of George Street. No rails will be used.
SECTION 2. The construction, operation and maintenance of the open-air sidewalk café as listed in Section 1 above shall be in accordance with the laws, rules and regulations of the City of Philadelphia, and specifically those of the Department of Licenses and Inspections, the Department of Streets and the Art Commission.
SECTION 3. Before exercising any rights or privileges under this Ordinance, Laura Vernola and LW Restaurant Holdings, d/b/a "Deuce Restaurant," must first obtain or have their contractor(s) obta...
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