Recognizing career and technical education students and programs in Philadelphia in recognition of Career and Technical Education Month in Pennsylvania.
Whereas, House Resolution Number 662, introduced January 28, 2016 and adopted February 10, 2016 by the General Assembly of Pennsylvania designated February 2016 as "Career and Technical Education Month" in Pennsylvania; and
Whereas, Career and Technical Education (CTE) credentials can pave pathways to skilled trades jobs which nationally are hard to fill, with over one million open jobs in trade, transportation, utilities and manufacturing combined; and
Whereas, The School District of Philadelphia has one hundred twenty three CTE Programs in twenty nine different high schools. Almost six thousand Philadelphia School District students are currently enrolled in CTE Programs; and
Whereas, In school year 2014-2015, over one thousand eight hundred students enrolled in these CTE Programs earned industry-certified credentials; and
Whereas, The average daily attendance rate for CTE High Schools is over ninety percent; and
Whereas, The graduation rate in 2014 for students in CTE High Schools was ninety percent; and
Whereas, For September 2016, the Philadelphia School District received over sixteen thousand applications for admission to its CTE Programs; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That we hereby honor and recognize February 2016 as Career and Technical Education Month in the City of Philadelphia and celebrate the month by recognizing and honoring all of Philadelphia's students who are enrolled in Career and Technical Education Programs.
RESOLVED FURTHER, That an Engrossed copy of this resolution be presented to representatives of the Philadelphia School District and students from the CTE Program as further evidence of the sincere respect and admiration of this legislative body.