Honoring the St. Patrick's Day Observance Association of Philadelphia and Proclaiming the month of March as Irish Month in the City of Philadelphia.
WHEREAS, The St. Patrick's Day Observance Day Association, founded in 1952, continues to be the proud sponsor and organizer of Philadelphia's St. Patrick's Day Parade; and
WHEREAS, The theme of this year's parade is St. Patrick, Make us a Eucharistic People, which is keeping with the theme that Pope John Paul II has designated for the year 2005; and
WHEREAS, This non-profit association sponsors the St. Patrick's Day on an annual basis and this parade continues to be the largest of any parade held in Philadelphia with well over 20,000 participants; and
WHEREAS, The Irish in Philadelphia celebrated St. Patrick's Day with a parade as early as 1771, making this the 2nd oldest parade in the United States, topped only by the New York City celebration; and
WHEREAS, This year's parade, which will be held on Sunday, March 13, will be preceded by a Mass celebrated by Cardinal Justin Rigali, at St. Patrick's Church, 20th & Locust streets at 9:30 A.M. The parade will kick off at 11:30 A.M. at Broad & Washington streets; and
WHEREAS, This Council extends our heartiest congratulations to Mr. Vincent Gallagher, the Grand Marshall of the 2005 parade; now therefore
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADLEPHIA, That we honor the St. Patrick's Day Observance Association of Philadelphia and proclaiming the month of March as Irish Month in the City of Philadelphia.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That an Engrossed copy of this resolution be presented to Mr. Leonard J. Armstrong, President of the St. Patrick's Observance Day Association, as evidence of the sincere sentiments and recognition of this legislative body.