Authorizing the Philadelphia City Council Committee on Commerce and Economic Development to conduct public hearings to investigate racial biases in development in the City of Philadelphia.
WHEREAS, According to the United States Census, the City of Philadelphia’s population is almost 60% African-American and Hispanic; and
WHEREAS, A 2020 Philadelphia Inquirer article covering a data report from the Office of Equal Opportunity revealed that a mere “11.5% of city contracts” go to African-American firms. 3.5% go to Hispanic-owned firms; and
WHEREAS, The City Council of Philadelphia is duty-bound to investigate the extent to which racial bias factors into those astoundingly low figures; and
WHEREAS, Historically, minority-owned businesses have been deprived of the resources that allow businesses to flourish; and
WHEREAS, To secure business opportunities, new developers require access to networking opportunities, mentorship, funding, technical training, and similar resources; and
WHEREAS, In accordance with the City of Philadelphia’s mission to provide equal opportunity for people of all backgrounds, we must ensure that city-funded construction projects are accessible for people of color to partake in; and
WHEREAS, Eliminating barriers to entry and opening resources will pave the way for people of color to participate in our city’s vibrant, burgeoning development community; and
WHEREAS, The City Council of Philadelphia must explore ways to spur progress and opportunity in this area of our city’s economy; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, Hereby authorizes the Philadelphia City Council Committee on Commerce and Economic Development to conduct public hearings to investigate racial biases in development in the City of Philadelphia.