Authorizing the revision of lines and grades on a portion of City Plan No. 63 by striking from the City Plan and vacating Carlton Street from Twentieth Street eastwardly approximately 98'4 to a dead-end and by placing on the City Plan a certain right of way for public utility purposes, all under certain terms and conditions.
SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 11-405 of The Philadelphia Code, the Board of Surveyors of the Department of Streets is authorized to revise the lines and grades on a portion of City Plan No. 63 by:
- Striking from the City Plan and vacating Carlton Street from Twentieth Street eastwardly approximately 98'4 to a dead-end.
- Reserving and placing on the City Plan a certain right-of-way for public utility purposes within the bed of Carlton Street proposed to be stricken under authority of this Ordinance.
SECTION 2. Any owners of property affected by this Ordinance shall file agreements, satisfactory to the Law Department, to grant to the City the right-of-way described in Section 1(b). Such agreements shall provide that no changes in grades shall be made and that no buildings, fences or other structures, either overhead, underground or upon the surface shall be constructed within the lines of the right-of-way or abutting thereon, unless the plans for such structures shall first be submitted to and approved by the applicable public utility. The agreements shall also grant to the officers, agents, employees and contractors of the City and any public utility the right-of-access to and occupation of the right-of-way at any and all times for the purpose of construction, reconstruction, maintenance, alterations, repairs and inspection of present and future structures.
SECTION 3. This authorization is conditional upon confirmation by the Board of Surveyors.