Authorizing the Committee on Public Health and Human Services to conduct hearings concerning the impact of bed bugs on physical and mental health, the rights and responsibilities of dealing with bed bug infestation and to commission a bed bug task force to determine best management practices and recommendations.
WHEREAS, The City of Philadelphia is comprised mainly of row homes, attached structures and other higher density housing that can lead to widespread bed bug infestation; and
WHEREAS, The City of Philadelphia does not have a bed bug response plan and has neighborhoods where more than 10% of households are affected by bed bugs; and
WHEREAS, The City of Philadelphia does not have an agency coordinating or recording bed bug complaints, has not established "best management practices" or a response plan for bed bugs; and
WHEREAS, Bed bugs, due to their blood feeding habits, may have the potential to transmit infectious diseases to humans or animals; and
WHEREAS, The City of Philadelphia has not established rights and responsibilities among tenants, landlords, employees, employers and other stakeholders affected by bed bug infestations; and
WHEREAS, Many citizens of the City do not possess the financial resources nor have access to relevant information necessary to safely eliminate bed bugs from their homes; and
WHEREAS, Bed bugs affect the ability of health care providers to serve patients living in affected households and institutions; and
WHEREAS, Bed bug infestations can lead to social stigma, mental duress, and isolation among those affected; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That the Committee on Public Health and Human Services is authorized to hold public hearings on bed bugs as a public health pest, a nuisance that impacts physical and mental health and has economic consequences and to work toward establishing an educational response team across City departments.
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