Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, to lease to the Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development, for nominal consideration, and with an option to purchase, a certain parcel of land with the buildings and improvements thereon located between Hog Island Road (not legally opened) and Fort Mifflin Road (not legally opened) to the north of I-95, for further sublease, with an option or requirement to purchase at fair market value, all under certain terms and conditions.
SECTION 1. The Commissioner of Public Property on behalf of the City of Philadelphia is hereby authorized to lease to the Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development for nominal consideration a certain parcel of land with the buildings and improvements thereon located between Hog Island Road (not legally opened) and Fort Mifflin Road (not legally opened) to the north of I-95, generally described as follows, for sublease at fair market value:
ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon erected Situate in the 40th Ward of the City of Philadelphia, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and described according to a Subdivision Plan thereof made by Ambric Technology Corporation, 100 Pine Street, Colwyn Pa. 19023 on August 24, 2007 and last revised October 17, 2007 as follows to wit:
BEGINNING at a point on the centerline of Fort Mifflin Road (20 feet wide-not on city plan and no record of legally open) which point is measured South 29 degrees, 17 minutes, 41 seconds East, at the distance of 1,145.719 feet to a point from the intersection of the said centerline of Fort Mifflin Road and the centerline of Hog Island Road (20 feet wide-not on city plan and no record of legally open); thence extending from the said point of beginning still along the said centerline of Fort Mifflin Road and partly along the northeasterly side of 26.029 wid...
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