Recognizing Julia Reynolds Masterman School for their Mock Election Project that encouraged young people to find and use their civic voices in making a positive difference in their communities.
WHEREAS, The purpose of Masterman's Project was to raise awareness, share knowledge of the issues, promote civic action, and encouraging their fellow students to take an active role in government; and
WHEREAS, The Masterman students involved in this Project determined what issues were important to them and their peers and examined where the candidates for office stood on the issues; and
WHEREAS, Masterman students can encourage other students to become more informed about candidates and issues, and encourage their peers as well as adults to register to vote; and
WHEREAS, Masterman students this year had the opportunity to present a mock election to the School and made it their mission to create an idea campaign that is solely issue-based with no tolerance for negative ads; and
WHEREAS, The Mock Election spanned two weeks; one for the in-class preparation, hanging posters, organizing events and one for campaigning. The Monday following the campaign week was Election Day where the ultimate goal was 100% turnout; and
WHEREAS, The high point of the campaign week is the mock debate. This year Masterman was fortunate to have both candidates for District Attorney attend and participate; and
WHEREAS, Students Clara Pritchett and Lua Beckman stood behind podiums, squared off in a spirted and facts filled debate; and
WHEREAS, AP US Government Teacher Mr. Steve Gilligan organized and met with each campaign delegation to discuss the rules and format and negotiate important topics that included the candidates choosing not to know the questions in advance so as to create a more authentic interaction; and
WHEREAS, This Project was first introduced to Masterman in 1999 as part of the Student Voices Project at Annenberg Public Policy Center, Univer...
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