Honoring and Congratulating Captain William Fisher, commander of the Philadelphia Police Civil Affairs Unit for being named the winner of this year's George Fencl Award.
WHEREAS, William Fisher, who was born and bred in the City of Philadelphia, is a graduate of Roman Catholic High School and the University of Notre Dame; and
WHEREAS, Since his appointment to the Police Department in 1976, Captain Fisher has excelled in a wide range of employment assignments which laid the groundwork for a continuing career of success; and
WHEREAS, Captain Fisher began his career as an officer assigned to the 3rd Police District. He worked as a Detective and Sergeant in the old West Detectives Unit and the 12th District, located in Southwest Philadelphia. Other assignments included Internal Affairs, Management Review Bureau, TRT and the Evidence Room; and
WHEREAS, Following his appointment as Captain in 1991, Bill served in the Narcotics Unit and was later named Captain of the 4th District in 1996, thus returning to the same building in South Philadelphia where he began his career twenty years earlier; and
WHEREAS, In 1998, Bill was appointed as commander of the Civil Affairs Unit, which has the primary enforcement responsibility at public assemblies, demonstrations and management-labor disputes. Its main function is to preserve peace and order, to ensure the safety of both persons and property and to protect the Constitutional rights of all interested parties; and
WHEREAS, The long, hot summer of 1998 produced a strike by Local 234 of the Transport Workers Union against SEPTA. Captain Fisher and his excellent staff received glowing commendations from eyewitnesses of this dispute for their unique sense of fairness and neutrality in dealing with all the parties involved in this potentially explosive situation; and
WHEREAS, Captain Fisher has also supervised numerous events of local, national and international significance including the Republican N...
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