Recognizing the 16th Anniversary of Memory Walks in October and observing National Alzheimer's Awareness Month in November, 2006 in the City of Philadelphia.
WHEREAS, The purpose of National Alzheimer's Disease Month is to raise awareness of this disease and to emphasize the importance of finding treatments, prevention and ultimately, a cure; and
WHEREAS, It is a sad irony that National Alzheimer's Disease Month was first proclaimed by President Ronald Reagan. The disease is mysterious, elusive, and frustrating. It is degenerative, and advances gradually, causing forgetfulness, confusion, impaired judgment and ultimately, total dependence; and
WHEREAS, Although the federal government estimates spending $515 million for Alzheimer's Disease research this year alone, there is still no vaccine, no cure and no treatment for this terrible disease, which costs so much in money, and in the physical and emotional distress endured by sufferers, their families and their friends; and
WHEREAS, The Alzheimer's Association is the major source of information and support for the four million Americans with this disease, and their families. It is a national network whose members represent the interests of those affected by Alzheimer's Disease on every level of government and with health and long term care providers. The Association is a strong and effective advocacy group, whose members we thank for their continuing efforts; now therefore
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That we hereby recognize November, 2006 as National Alzheimer's Disease Month.
RESOLVED, That an Engrossed copy of this resolution be presented to Wendy L. Campbell, President of the Alzheimer's Association, as evidence of our respect for her, the Association's work, and our sincere hope that the dream of prevention and cure will become a reality.