Urging the Philadelphia Congressional delegation to continue their efforts to promote world peace.
WHEREAS, This Council, like all Americans, strongly believes that a central obligation of the federal government is to protect our national security. But we believe just as strongly that the specific steps taken to discharge that duty must be decided through a democratic process. It is this very democratic process that we are in fact trying to protect; and
WHEREAS, On October 11, 2002, Congress enacted House Joint Resolution 114 entitled "Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002". This Resolution has been widely interpreted as giving the President the unilateral power to go to war against Iraq at his discretion; and
WHEREAS, In the face of a White House administration committed to going to war at all cost, it took great courage for two of Philadelphia's Congressional representatives, Congressmen Robert Brady and Congressman Chaka Fattah, to oppose the President's call for the unilateral authority to go war; and
WHEREAS, Twenty-two (22) cities to date have enacted anti-war resolutions which is testimony to the growing movement for world peace in our nation; and
WHEREAS, The world community, including most of our allies have publicly expressed their support for a diplomatic solution to the Iraqi conflict. A November 2002 survey of forty-four countries by the Pew Research Centre found widespread agreement that Saddam Hussein represented a threat to stability in the Middle East but it also found that majorities among America's key allies like France and Germany oppose the use of military force in Iraq. Even among the British, Americas' closest supporters, public opinion about the use of force is equally divided; and
WHEREAS, Many labor union locals throughout the country are publicly opposing a U.S. invasion in Iraq while calling for international multi-lateral action that is sanctioned by the United Nat...
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