Authorizing the Committee on Housing, Neighborhood Development, and the Homeless to conduct hearings regarding the provision of Emergency Housing Vouchers for Philadelphians experiencing homelessness by the Philadelphia Housing Authority and the Office of Homeless Services.
WHEREAS, Since 1974, the Philadelphia Housing Authority, through the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, has provided rental assistance to low-income families in the private rental market under the Housing Choice Voucher Program; and
WHEREAS, The Philadelphia Housing Authority maintains a voucher program waiting list, which has been closed since 2010, of approximately 8,800 individuals and families, in addition to a waiting list of about 40,000 individuals and families for public housing units; and
WHEREAS, Pursuant to the American Rescue Plan Act, the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development has awarded 863 Emergency Housing Vouchers to the Philadelphia Housing Authority, specifically for Philadelphians experiencing homelessness; and
WHEREAS, Emergency Housing Vouchers present the Philadelphia Housing Authority and the City of Philadelphia with an unprecedented opportunity to establish mixed housing options for families experiencing homelessness within a more transparent and equitable system; and
WHEREAS, Vouchers can provide permanent supportive housing for families stuck in expensive and antiquated transitional housing arrangements, and leverage new rapid rehousing and shallow rent models for vulnerable populations seeking wraparound supportive services; and
WHEREAS, The Continuum of Care Board was established to create a public and transparent process for prioritizing Philadelphians seeking housing to ensure fairness; and
WHEREAS, Philadelphians deserve a fair, transparent, and equitable plan for the allocation of vouchers that leverages new and efficient models for serving diverse communities, especially at a time when our school ...
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