Amending Section 14-1600 of The Philadelphia Code, by adding a new section, entitled "30th Street Special Controls District," all under certain terms and conditions.
SECTION 1. Chapter 14-1600 of The Philadelphia Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
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ยง 14-1633. 30th Street Special District Controls.
(1) Legislative Findings. The Council finds that:
a) Major public and private investments have been made to promote the economic viability and the aesthetics in and around the area of 30th and Market Streets;
b) It is essential to continue the success of this area by attracting high-rise mixed used development. Such success can attract and promote certain specialty and high-end retailers to locate in this area, as well as restaurants to support residential uses. This, in turn, will attract additional commercial and institutional development, all of which promote an increase of pedestrian traffic;
c) It is in the best interest of the property owners, business operators, local institutions and the City of Philadelphia that this area continues to prosper;
d) Therefore, special land use controls are needed to promote and protect the economic viability of this area.
(2) Purpose of the District. This special district is established to encourage the highest and best use of development for this section of the City by promoting commercial and residential uses within the district, consistent with sound development principles appropriate for the surroundings; and to promote a lively pedestrian-friendly gateway connecting Center City and University City.
(3) District Boundaries. For the purposes of this section, the "30th Street Special Controls District" shall consist of the area bounded by Thirtieth Street, Market Street, Schuylkill Avenue and Walnut Street. This area due to its uniqueness has upper and lower street levels, namely alo...
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