File #: 020599    Version: 0 Name:
Type: Privileged Resolution Status: ENACTED
File created: 9/26/2002 In control: CITY COUNCIL
On agenda: Final action: 9/26/2002
Title: Designating the week of Monday, October 7, 2002 through Monday, October 14, 2002 as "Christopher Columbus Week" in celebration of the festivities commemorating Columbus' historic voyage to the New World.
Sponsors: Council President Verna, Councilmember DiCicco, Councilmember Kenney, Councilmember Mariano, Councilmember Rizzo, Councilmember Cohen, Councilmember Tasco, Councilmember Krajewski, Councilmember Goode, Councilmember Reynolds Brown, Councilmember Blackwell, Councilmember Miller, Councilmember Ortiz, Councilmember Nutter, Councilmember Clarke
Attachments: 1. Resolution No. 02059900.pdf
Designating the week of Monday, October 7, 2002 through Monday, October 14, 2002 as "Christopher Columbus Week" in celebration of the festivities commemorating Columbus' historic voyage to the New World.
WHEREAS, More than 500 years ago, a courageous Italian visionary set forth from an ancient port in Spain on one of the most momentous journeys in the annals of history. Christopher Columbus and the maps he charted were guiding lights to every ship that came to America, not only in the navigational sense, but also as an inspiration for fortitude and courage; and

WHEREAS, The dauntless spirit of this great Genoese navigator has profoundly shaped the destiny of this land of ours, for he was the forerunner of the American principle of opportunity, the opportunity for men and women of all ethnic backgrounds, who were their own Columbus in discovering America here in Philadelphia, to achieve their full potential; and

WHEREAS, Philadelphia's Italian American community will commemorate the achievements of Christopher Columbus with a parade of floats, bands and diverse groups in colorful costumes and an Italian Festival showcasing the culture and cuisine of the people of Italy; and

WHEREAS, The annual Philadelphia Columbus Day Parade fosters a spirit of multi-culturalism and ongoing development and respect of each ethnic group's heritage. This year's parade will highlight eight Mummer's string bands, award winning high school bands from Pennsylvania and New Jersey, elite African American stepping groups and Dixieland music; now therefore

RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That we hereby designate the week of October 7, 2002 through October 14, 2002 as "Christopher Columbus Week" for the annual Columbus Day parade and Italian Festival saluting the five hundredth and tenth anniversary of Columbus' historic voyage to America.

FURTHER RESOLVED, That an Engrossed copy of this resolution be presented to the Philadelphia Columbu...

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