Supporting the passage of the Pennsylvania General Assembly's House Bill No. 262 to help combat human trafficking throughout Pennsylvania.
WHEREAS, Philadelphia has a tradition of advancing fundamental human rights; and
WHEREAS, It is imperative to eliminate human trafficking, including commercial sexual exploitation, forced labor, labor obtained through debt or bondage, involuntary servitude, slavery, and slavery by descent; and
WHEREAS, To combat human trafficking in this City, the people of Philadelphia must be aware of the realities of human trafficking and must be dedicated to stopping this contemporary manifestation of slavery; and
WHEREAS, Efforts shall be made to actively oppose all individuals, groups, or organizations and nations who support, advance, or commit acts of human trafficking and work to end human trafficking around the world; and
WHEREAS, House Bill No. 262 of the Pennsylvania General Assembly works to require the formal registration of employees at adult-oriented establishments; and
WHEREAS, This bill will support the Commonwealth's efforts to eradicate human trafficking by protecting at-risk people, including women, minors, and undocumented persons; and
WHEREAS, Studies show the consumption of alcohol impairs one's judgment and in the context of the adult entertainment industry, may accelerate the use of violence by patrons against employees; and
WHEREAS, Studies show women, minors, and undocumented persons are at an increased risk of being trafficked in adult-oriented establishments; and
WHEREAS, By being forced to work in adult-oriented establishments, women and minors risk increased exposure to not only trafficking, but also violence and deportation; and
WHEREAS, The aftereffects of trafficking and forced adult-entertainment participation cause undue emotional, mental, and physical stress and trauma; and
WHEREAS, Trauma has adverse effects on the emotional and physical health and econom...
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