Recognizing and honoring Doctor Steven Larson, MD, for his humanitarian efforts in bringing top-notch medical service to underserved communities, bringing a dream of care and compassion into the world that moves forward with every life saved.
WHEREAS, Steven Larson, MD, is a cofounder of Puentes de Salud. He served as the assistant dean for Global Health Programs and an associate professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania; and
WHEREAS, He received his B.A. in Fine Arts from Haverford College and his M.D. from the University of Pennsylvania; and
WHEREAS, Over the past 20 years, Dr. Larson has developed an extensive working knowledge of the health care issues facing immigrant populations in the United States and in under-served populations worldwide. Since 1988 he has immersed himself in the history of Central America and examined the impact of politics, geography, economics and religion on health care; and
WHEREAS, He visits frequently and has many personal and professional contacts throughout Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and El Salvador; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Larson exemplifies what it means to be a human being and a global citizen; and
WHEREAS, In 1993 Dr. Larson established Frontline Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine to help students and residents explore the complex issues facing underserved populations. In 1999, with the goal of collaborating nationally with other medical educators committed to global health, Dr. Larson joined IHMEC, the International Health Medical Education Consortium (now GHEC). In 2000 he was elected to its Governing Council. Through this relationship, Dr. Larson has identified an expanded range of clinical and research opportunities for Penn medical students over the past 10 years; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Larson also serves as the faculty advisor for the student-run Global Health Interest Group; and
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