Amending Chapter 14-300 entitled "Commercial Districts" by amending Section 14-305 entitled "C-4" Commercial and "C-5" Commercial Districts to require that, prior to the issuance any permits under this section, a Zoning Board of Adjustment Certificate be acquired.
ยง14-305. "C-4" Commercial and "C-5" Commercial Districts.
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2) Use Regulations - With Certificate. The following uses will be permitted in this district only if a Zoning Board of Adjustment Certificate, as hereinafter provided, is obtained, with the exception of paragraph (a) [It is the intention of this section of the Code to allow for types of uses that are commonly found in and compatible with, a high-density business core. The uses permitted in these districts are those which minimize negative impact upon and which are compatible with the use and enjoyment of the public sidewalks and public space by large numbers of people and which enliven and enhance the public use, experience and enjoyment of these spaces. Therefore, the specific uses permitted in these districts shall be the erection, construction, alteration or use of buildings and/or land for]:
(a) Parking garages, whether above or below ground level when the lot on which it is located has frontage on any of the following streets:
(.1) Vine street or Callowhill street between Eighteenth street and Front street;
(.2) Delaware avenue or Interstate 95 between Spring Garden street and Chestnut street; and,
(.3) Interstate 76 between Spring Garden street and Chestnut street.
(b) The uses permitted in "C-3" Commercial Districts subject to all the use qualifications set forth therein except:
(.1) All limitations on multiple buildings on a lot, whether stated or implied, shall not apply, provided that permanent and/or portable vendor stands, vendor carts and or retail kiosks shall be permitted only when ancillary to the main use of the propert...
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