Discharging the Council Committee on Finance from further consideration of Resolution No. 020285, entitled A Resolution approving the annual Program Statement and Budget for the expenditure of the Neighborhood Transformation Initiative (NTI) Bond Proceeds for Fiscal Year 2003.
WHEREAS, Six weeks have passed since Resolution No. 020285 was introduced into this Council and referred to the Council Committee on Finance; and
WHEREAS, Public hearings on Resolution No. 020285 have been conducted by the Committee on at least five separate days, but the Committee has not yet taken any action on the Resolution; and
WHEREAS, The Council wishes to take final action to approve Resolution No. 020285; now therefore
RESOLVED, That the Committee on Finance is hereby discharged from further consideration of Resolution No. 020285, entitled A Resolution approving the annual Program Statement and Budget for the expenditure of the Neighborhood Transformation Initiative (NTI) Bond Proceeds for Fiscal Year 2003, and the resolution shall be placed upon the calendar for final action at Council's meeting of June 13, 2002. Any Rule of Council that may conflict herewith is hereby suspended.