Declaring September as National Infant Mortality Awareness Month.
WHEREAS, The National Infant Mortality Awareness Month campaign has been designed to increase people's awareness of the high rates of infant deaths, and is led by the National Health Start Association; and
WHEREAS, September 2010, marks the fourth annual National Infant Mortality Awareness Month campaign; and
WHEREAS, The Health Start Project in Philadelphia is one of 102 Healthy Start projects nationwide; and
WHEREAS, Since 1991, the Healthy Start program has been dedicated to working at reducing the incidence of infant mortality that is prevalent in many communities with large minority populations, high rates of unemployment and poverty, and limited access to safe housing and medical providers; and
WHEREAS, Philadelphia's Healthy Start Project has made major efforts to reduce the high rates of infant mortality that are prevalent in our City, providing critical services to over 2000 women and their infants; and
WHEREAS, The National Infant Mortality Awareness Month campaign provides opportunities for Philadelphians to get involved and support Healthy Start in Philadelphia; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, declares and recognizes September as National Infant Mortality Month.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That an Engrossed copy of this resolution be presented to representatives of Healthy Start Philadelphia as a sincere expression of City Council's gratitude, appreciation, and commendation for raising the public's awareness regarding infant mortality.