Recognizing and honoring the Philadelphia Community Outreach Committee (PCOC) for their Dedication to Public Safety and Community Revitalization.
WHEREAS, The Philadelphia Community Outreach Committee (PCOC) was founded by Ishaq Samai, Abdul Malik Ibrahim, Islam Sharief, and Khabir Rashid at the Philadelphia Masjid to address decades-old issues of open-air drug sales and violence; and
WHEREAS, Through collaboration with Pete Wilson, the 6th Ward Leader, and numerous community leaders, PCOC took direct action to rally, clean up blighted areas, fence in open lots, and permanently shut down open-air drug operations in West Philadelphia; and
WHEREAS, PCOC's efforts led to the establishment of the Belmont Civic Association and the Holly Street Neighbors CDC. This fostered partnerships with Calvary St. Augustine Episcopal Church, and built a network of over 35 community leaders, the 16th Police District, elected officials, and nonprofit organizations; and
WHEREAS, PCOC's advocacy resulted in the installation of surveillance cameras that are accessible to community members and law enforcement. The project later received additional grant funding, with the support of Senator Vincent Hughes, to sustain and expand its impact; and
WHEREAS, PCOC's implementation of the Belmont Safety Model successfully dismantled six open-air drug operations, saving the City of Philadelphia over $3.6 million, and demonstrating that community-led initiatives can lead to real, lasting change; and
WHEREAS, PCOC continues to grow, with an expanding membership that is dedicated to replicating its success citywide. PCOC proves that with unity, commitment, and partnership, communities can reclaim their neighborhoods and build a better future; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, Hereby honors and celebrates the Philadelphia Community Outreach Committee (PCOC), recognizing its contributions to public safety, community empowerment, and the revi...
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