Transmitting a bill amending Section 2 of an Ordinance (Bill No. 070504) approved July 3, 2007, entitled An Ordinance Authorizing and directing the revision of lines and grades on a portion of City Plan No. 197 by striking from the City Plan and vacating the legally open portions of Casper Street from Tioga Street to Russell Street, striking from the City Plan Russell Street from Casper Street southeastwardly approximately threehundred ten feet to a dead end, and striking from the City Plan and abandoning a certain drainage right of way, and by reserving and placing on the City Plan rightsway for water main purposes, drainage purposes, and public utility purposes within the beds of the streets being stricken by authority of this Ordinance, if necessary, under certain terms and conditions, by extending the period for compliance with the terms and conditions stated therein, accompanied by an explanatory letter from the Streets Commissioner.