Amending Title 4 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "The Philadelphia Building Construction and Occupancy Code," by amending Subcode F (The Philadelphia Fire Code), by delineating the process to be utilized by the Philadelphia Fire Department in its consideration of temporary or permanent reductions or eliminations of fire companies that provide life safety and property protection from the hazards of fire, explosion or dangerous conditions in new and existing buildings, structures and premises, and by requiring input by fire fighters and emergency responders in that process; all under certain terms and conditions.
SECTION 1. Title 4 of The Philadelphia Code, Subcode F, The Philadelphia Fire Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:
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Section F-109. Reduction or Elimination of Life Safety and Fire Protection Services.
F-109.1. Limitation on reductions or eliminations of fire companies. The fire department shall not temporarily or permanently reduce or eliminate any ladder or engine company situated in the City unless all of the following requirements have been met:
1. The fire department has provided written notice of the proposed reduction or elimination to uniformed fire department personnel assigned to the affected company, to labor organizations representing those personnel and to members of the public served by the company where the proposed reduction or elimination will take place. The fire department may place an advertisement in a newspaper of general circulation within the affected area to provide the required public notice.
2. The fire department has secured a comprehensive study to be conducted by an independent third party which shall include, but be not limited to, detailed projections of savings to be achieved by the proposed reduction or elimination, and analyses of the impact of the proposed reduc...
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