Authorizing the creation of a Zoning Code Review Commission as an agency of City Council, to evaluate, and recommend improvements to, Philadelphia's Zoning Code.
WHEREAS, The City's Zoning Code is of fundamental importance to all Philadelphians. It defines the physical backbone of the City by regulating how land may be used; by determining the size, height, and type of buildings; and by stating what activities are permitted within those buildings. It profoundly affects the well-being of all who live and work here, and it shapes the growth of our communities for decades to come; and
WHEREAS, On May 15, 2007, the voters of Philadelphia approved a Resolution of City Council providing for the establishment of a Zoning Code Commission to "conduct a comprehensive analysis of and make recommendations regarding reforms to the Philadelphia Zoning Code"; and
WHEREAS, Council's resolution provided that the Commission's work was to "be guided by the principles that Philadelphia's Zoning Code should be consistent and easy to understand, should help shape future construction and development, and should enhance and improve Philadelphia's development process while encouraging positive development and protecting the character of Philadelphia's neighborhoods"; and
WHEREAS, After four years of work by the Zoning Code Commission, a new Zoning Code was signed into law on December 22, 2011, becoming effective August 22, 2012; and
WHEREAS, In January, 2018, the City's internal "Zoning Technical Committee" prepared a report assessing the first five years of the new Code's existence. The report, entitled "City of Philadelphia: Five Year Review of the Zoning Code," is available at https://www.phila.gov/CityPlanning/projectreviews/PDF/ZoningCode_5Yr_Report_DRAFT.pdf; and
WHEREAS, The report identified commendable strengths of the Zoning Code as well as elements that remain seriously problematic. For example, one of the most troubling conclusions concerned the Zoning Boar...
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