Recognizing Vets Journey Home USA, Inc. as an organization that provides a unique program for Veterans to help them deal with the emotional wounds of military service.
WHEREAS, Vets Journey Home was founded in 1989 specifically for Vietnam Veterans as a way to help heal their hearts and bring peace to their souls; and
WHEREAS, In 2005, the mission of Vets Journey Home was expanded to include Veterans that served in all wars and conflicts where the United States provided military support and presence; and
WHEREAS, Vets Journey Home is a non-profit organization that provides weekend retreats for Veterans from all branches of the United States Military where they are able to receive therapy, and opportunities to fellowship with other Veterans too; and
WHEREAS, Vets Journey Home has provided more than 70 retreats helping more than 400 Veterans; now therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Philadelphia, Hereby recognizes Vets Journey Home USA, Inc. as an organization that provides a unique program for Veterans to help them deal with the emotional wounds of military service.
RESOLVED FURTHER, That an Engrossed copy of this resolution be presented symbolically to Vets Journey Home as evidence of the respect and admiration of this legislative body for the work they do in helping Veterans with the emotional wounds received during their service.