The City Council Of Philadelphia Calls Upon the Pennsylvania Senate to pass House Bill 712 And Further Calls Upon the Governor to immediately sign it into law.
WHEREAS, There exist approximately 60,000 vacant lots and vacant structures in the City of Philadelphia, the majority of which are abandoned and tax delinquent; and
WHEREAS, The majority of these vacant, abandoned or tax delinquent properties remain in private ownership and represent a blighting influence in every neighborhood where they exist; and
WHEREAS, The current sheriff sale process is an ineffective tool for acquiring these properties and making them available for redevelopment; and
WHEREAS, House Bill 712 authorizes the creation of municipal land banks which empowers municipalities of this Commonwealth to efficiently acquire these vacant, abandoned and tax delinquent properties and facilitate redevelopment while eliminating the ability of speculators to let vacant land or abandoned properties sit idle; and
WHEREAS, House Bill 712 provides municipalities broad discretion to establish local policies to govern the implementation of a municipal land bank; and
WHEREAS, House Bill 712 requires that municipal land banks be established by Ordinance; and
WHEREAS, This Council will include language in its Ordinance that would protect homeowners who are delinquent in their real property taxes due to financial hardship; require that the land bank assist people to keep them in their homes through the use of repayment agreements, life estates, or other arrangements that support families in need; and ensure that where owner-occupied properties do go to sheriff's sale, for collection of delinquent taxes or other municipal claims, that the property is exposed to public auction to protect the homeowner's equity; therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That the City Council Of Philadelphia Calls Upon the Pennsylvania Senate to pass House Bill 712 An...
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