File #: 100788    Version: 0 Name:
Type: Bill Status: ENACTED
File created: 11/18/2010 In control: Committee on Public Property and Public Works
On agenda: Final action: 12/16/2010
Title: Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property on behalf of the City to convey 413 Mercy Street, 432 Sigel Street, 518 Pierce Street, 538 Dudley Street, 2038 East Susquehanna Avenue, 2045 East Fletcher Street, 2074 E. York Street, 2129 East Susquehanna Avenue, 2317 Coral Street, 2327 South Franklin Street, 2427 Frankford Avenue, 2431 Coral Street, 2548 Coral Street, and 2624 Collins Street, for fair market value, under certain terms and conditions.
Sponsors: Councilmember DiCicco
Attachments: 1. CertifiedCopy10078800.pdf
Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property on behalf of the City to convey 413 Mercy Street, 432 Sigel Street, 518 Pierce Street, 538 Dudley Street, 2038 East Susquehanna Avenue, 2045 East Fletcher Street, 2074 E. York Street, 2129 East Susquehanna Avenue, 2317 Coral Street, 2327 South Franklin Street, 2427 Frankford Avenue, 2431 Coral Street, 2548 Coral Street, and 2624 Collins Street, for fair market value, under certain terms and conditions.
      SECTION 1.      The Commissioner of Public Property on behalf of the City of Philadelphia is hereby authorized to execute and deliver deeds conveying fee simple title to  parcels of land with any improvements thereon, located at 413 Mercy Street, 432 Sigel Street, 518 Pierce Street, 538 Dudley Street, 2038 East Susquehanna Avenue, 2045 East Fletcher Street, 2074 E. York Street, 2129 East Susquehanna Avenue, 2317 Coral Street, 2327 South Franklin Street, 2427 Frankford Avenue, 2431 Coral Street, 2548 Coral Street, and 2624 Collins Street and as more specifically described in Exhibit “A,” upon the best terms obtainable after appropriate public advertising and the receipt of competitive bids, and at fair market value.
      SECTION 2.      The City Solicitor is hereby authorized to review and approve all instruments and documents necessary to effectuate this Ordinance, which instruments and documents shall contain such terms and conditions as the City Solicitor shall deem necessary and proper to protect the interests of the City and to carry out the purposes of this Ordinance.
413 Mercy Street
ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon erected.
SITUATE on the North side of Mercy Street at the distance of 312 feet Eastward from the East side of 5th Street in the 39th Ward of the City of Philadelphia.
CONTAINING in front or breadth on the said Mercy Street 14 feet and extending of that width in length or depth Northward between lines parallel with the said 5th Street 47 feet to a certain 4 feet wide alley.
TOGETHER with the free and common use, right, liberty and privilege of the aforesaid as and for a passageway and watercourse at all times hereafter, forever.
BEING NO. 413 Mercy Street.
432 Sigel Street
ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, SITUATE on the Southerly side of Sigel Street (formerly Canal) at the distance of 93 feet 6 inches Eastwardly from the Southeasterly side of Sigel Street and 5th Street in the 1st Ward of the City of Philadelphia.  CONTAINING in front or breadth on the said Sigel Street 16 feet and extending in length or depth Southwardly between lines parallel with the said 5th Street on the Westerly line thereof 47 feet 7-7/16 inches, more or less, and on the Easterly line thereof 47 feet 7-3/8 inches.  BEING NO. 432 Sigel Street, Phila., PA.
518 Pierce Street
ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground situate on the South side of Pierce Street at the distance of one hundred sixty-three feet, four and one-quarter inches Westward from the West side of 5th Street in the First Ward of the City of Philadelphia.
CONTAINING in front or breadth on the said Pierce Street thirteen feet, eleven inches and extending of that width in length or depth Southward between lines parallel with the said 5th Street fifty feet including on the East side thereof the Westernmost moiety or half part of a two feet wide alley extending the whole depth of the above described lot and leading into and from the said Pierce Street laid out and opened as a passageway and watercourse for the use of this lot and ground abounding to the Eastward and Westward and having the use of the same with the right to introduce water pipes under the same and to building over the West half thereof to the depth of thirty feet from said Pierce Street leaving at least eight feet headway in the clear.
No. 518 Pierce Street.
TOGETHER with the common use and privilege of the privy well sunk on the line between the hereby granted premises and the premises adjoining to the Westward and the exclusive use of the Easternmost compartment of the privy house erected over the same to be kept clean and in repair at the joint expense of the owners.
538 Dudley Street
ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon erected,
BEGINNING at the distance of 68 feet Eastward from the East side of 6th Street in the 39th Ward of the City of Philadelphia.
CONTAINING in front or breadth on the said Dudley Street 12 feet 6 inches and extending of that width in length or depth Southward between lines parallel with the said 6th Street 48 feet to a certain 4 feet wide alley which extends from the said Dudley Street to McKean Street.
BEING known and numbered as 538 Dudley Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
BEING the same premises which Amina DiLario, Executrix, etc., by Indenture bearing date the 18th day of June, A.D. 1978, and recorded in the Office of the Department of Records in and for the County of Philadelphia, in Deed Book DCC 1680 page 364, etc., granted and conveyed unto Albert DiLario and Teodore DiLario, their heirs and assigns, in fee.
AND the Commissioner of Public Property is authorized, pursuant to Provisions of Chapter 16-400 of the Philadelphia Code, to accept title to real estate under certain terms and conditions.
2038 East Susquehanna Avenue
ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon erected described according to a Survey made thereof by Joseph Mercer, Esquire, Surveyor and Regulator of the Sixth District on the Nineteenth day of November, A.D. 1913 as follows:
SITUATE on the Southwestwardly corner of East Susquehanna Avenue and Coral Street in the Thirty-first Ward of the City of Philadelphia.
CONTAINING in front or breadth on the said Susquehanna Avenue Thirteen feet one inch and extending in length or depth Southwestwardly at right angles with said Susquehanna Avenue and along said Coral Street fifty-seven feet to a certain three feet wide alley.
BOUNDED Northeastwardly by Coral Street, Southeastwardly by ground now or late of Robert C. Erakine Southwestwardly by the said alley and Northeastwardly by the said Susquehanna Avenue.
BEING known as Number 2038 East Susquehanna Avenue.
TOGETHER with the free and common use, right, liberty, and privilege of the said three feet wide alley at all times ereafter, forever.
2045 East Fletcher Street
ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon erected.
SITUATE on the North side of Fletcher Street, in the 31st Ward of the City of Philadelphia.
BEGINNING at a point 85 feet, 7-5/8 inches Eastwardly from the Easterly side of Coral Street.
CONTAINING in front or breadth on the said Fletcher Street 14 feet and extending Northwardly 60 feet, 6-1/4 inches to a 4 feet wide alley.
TOGETHER with the free and common use, right, liberty, and privilege of the aforesaid alley, as and for a passageway and watercourse at all times hereafter, forever.
2074 E. York Street
ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, described according to a Survey and Plan thereof made by A. Zane Hoffman, Esq., Surveyor and Regulator of the 6th District on July 17, 1919, as follows, to wit:
BEGINNING at a point formed by the intersection of the Southwesterly side of York Street (laid out 50 feet on said Plan ) with the Northwesterly side of Amber Street (laid out 50 feet on said Plan), in the 31st Ward of the City of Philadelphia;  thence extending along the Southwesterly side of York Street North 32 degrees, 24 minutes 26 seconds West 19 feet to a point; thence extending on a line parallel with said Amber Street and passing through the center of a 9 inch brick party wall South 57 degrees, 35 minutes 34 seconds West 50 feet 1 inch to a point; thence extending on a line parallel with said York Street North 32 degrees, 24 minutes 26 seconds West 5 inches to a point; thence extending on a line parallel with said Amber Street 57 degrees, 35 minutes, 34 seconds East 17 feet ¾ inches to a point; thence extending on a line South 33 degrees, 34 minutes 16 seconds East 19 feet 5- 1/8 inches to a point on the said Northwesterly side of Amber Street;  and thence extending along the said Northwesterly side of said Amber Street North 57 degrees 35 minutes 34 seconds East 66 feet 9 inches to the said Southwesterly side of said York Street and place of beginning.
BEING NO. 2074 E. York Street
2129 East Susquehanna Avenue
ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon erected.
SITUATE on the Northeast side of Susquehanna Avenue at the distance of ninety-seven feet, nine inches Southeastward from the Southeast side of Martha Street, in the Thirty-first Ward of the City of Philadelphia.
CONTAINING in front or breadth on the said Susquehanna Avenue sixteen feet, three inches and extending of that width in length or depth Northeastward between parallel lines at right angles with the said Susquehanna Avenue sixty feet, including on the Northwest side the Southeast moiety of a certain two feet, four inches wide alley extending into and from said Susquehanna Avenue.
BEING No. 2129 East Susquehanna Avenue.
TOGETHER with the free and common use, right, liberty and privilege of the aforesaid alley, as and for a passageway and watercourse at all times hereafter, forever.
2317 Coral Street
ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon erected.
SITUATE and described according to a survey thereof made by A. Zane Hoffman, Surveyor and Regulator of the 6th Survey District on the 14th day of February, 1923, as follows, to wit, in the 31st Ward of the City of Philadelphia.
BEGINNING at a point on the Southeast side of Coral Street (50 feet wide) at the distance of 13 feet, 11 inches Southwest from the Southwest side of Arizona Street (40 feet wide); thence extending Southeast on a line parallel with Arizona Street and passing through the center of the party wall 15 feet; thence Northeast parallel to Coral Street and passing through the center of a 4 inch brick wall, 5 inches.  Thence  Southeast parallel to Arizona Street and passing through the center of a party wall, 33 feet, 7-5/8 inches; thence Southwest parallel to Coral Street 14 feet, |1013| inches;  thence Northwest parallel to Arizona Street and passing through the center of an overhead alley (two feet, six inches wide) 48 feet, 7-5/8 inches to the Southeast side of Coral Street; thence extending Northeast along the same 14 feet to beginning.
BEING KNOWN AS NUMBER 2317 Coral Street.
2327 South Franklin Street
ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon erected.
SITUATE on the East side of Franklin Street at the distance of 187 feet, 4-3/8 inches Northward from the North side of Ritner Street in the 39th Ward of the City of Philadelphia.
CONTAINING in front or breadth on the said Franklin Street 14 feet and extending of that width in length or depth Eastward between lines parallel with the said Ritner Street 48 feet, 6 inches to a certain 3 feet wide alley which extends Northward and communicates with another 3 feet wide alley extending into the said Franklin Street.
BEING NO. 2327 South Franklin Street.
TOGETHER with the free and common use, right, liberty and privilege of the said alley as and for passageways and watercourses at all times, hereafter.
2427 Frankford Avenue
ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, described according to a Survey and Plan thereof made on the 14th day of March, 1893, by Joseph Mercer, Esquire, Surveyor and Regulator of the Sixth Survey District, as follows:
SITUATE on the Southeasterly side of Frankford Avenue, beginning at the distance of 18 feet Southwestwardly from the Southwesterly side of Hagert Street (formerly Adams Street), in the 31st Ward of the City of Philadelphia; thence extending on a line South 32 degrees, 24 minutes, 26 seconds East 65 feet, 2 ½ inches to a point;  thence extending South 57 degrees, 35 minutes, 34 seconds West 10 feet, 9-3/4 inches to a point; thence North 39 degrees, twenty-one minutes, 22 seconds West 40 feet, 7 inches to a point; thence North 39 degrees, 4 minutes, 17 seconds East 3 feet, 1 inch to a point;  thence North 48 degrees, 40 minutes, 34 seconds West 18 feet, 5 inches to a point on the Southeasterly side of said Frankford Avenue;  thence Northeastwardly along the Southeasterly side of Frankford Avenue 19 feet to the place of beginning.
KNOWN AS PREMISES NO. 2427 Frankford Avenue.
2431 Coral Street
ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon erected.
SITUATE on the Southeast side of Coral Street at the distance of 33 feet, 3 inches Southwest from the Southwest side of Hagert Street in the 31st Ward of the City of Philadelphia.
CONTAINING in front or breadth on the said Coral Street 14 feet and of that width extending in length or depth Southeastwardly between lines at right angles to said Coral Street 60 feet including on the rear end thereof a certain 3 feet wide alley which extends from said Hagert Street to Boston Avenue.
TOGETHER with the free and common use, right, liberty and privilege of the said alley as and for a passageway and watercourse at all times hereafter, forever.
BEING NO. 2431 Coral Street.
2548 Coral Street
ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground with the three story brick massuage or tenement thereon erected, SITUATE on the Northwest side of Coral Street and Northeast side of Hazzard Street in the 31st Ward of the City of Philadelphia.
CONTAINING in front or breadth on the said Coral Street 16 feet 7 inches more or less and extending in length or depth Northwest of that width along said Hazzard Street 50 feet including 3 feet wide alley in the rear.
BOUNDED Northwardly by ground formerly of Lawrence Kelly and John Eagen Southwardly by said Hazzard Street Westwardly by ground now or late of William C. Ludwig and Eastwardly by Coral Street aforesaid.
TOGETHER with the free and common use, right, liberty and privilege of the aforesaid alley as and for an alley passageway and watercourse at all times hereafter, forever, in common with the owners, landlords and tenants of the other lots of ground bounding thereon and entitled to the use thereof.
2548 Coral Street.
2624 Collins Street
ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon erected.
SITUATE on the Northwest side of Collins Street at the distance of 221 feet, 6 inches Northeast from the Northeast side of Huntingdon Street in the 31st Ward of the City of Philadelphia.
CONTAINING in front or breadth on the said Collins Street 14 feet and extending of that width in length or depth Northwestward between parallel lines at right angles with the said Collins Street 50 feet to a certain 4 feet wide alley extending Northeast and Southwest and communicating at each end thereof with a certain 3 feet 6 inches wide alley extending from said Collins Street to Amber Street.
TOGETHER with the free and common use, right, liberty and privilege of the said alleys as and for passageways and watercourses at all times hereafter, forever.
BEING NO. 2624 Collins Street.