Authorizing the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia to construct, own and maintain various right-of-way encroachments within the public right-of-way at 2716 South Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19146, under certain terms and conditions.
SECTION 1. Permission is hereby granted to Children's Hospital of Philadelphia ("Owner") to construct, own and maintain various right-of-way encroachments ("Encroachment") at 2716 South Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19146 as follows:
Structural Sidewalk and Vehicular Bridge - South Street
For public access to the building and a public pedestrian plaza necessary to meet the existing bridge deck and elevated roadway and projecting over the right-of-way, City owned parcel and drainage easement by variable distance in width from the drainage easement to the southern face of the South Street Bridge/retaining wall for a distance of approximately 300 feet in length. The encroachment also includes columns and foundations in the drainage easement necessary to support the structural sidewalk and vehicular bridge for garage access.
Stairways - South Street
For public access to the building and a public pedestrian plaza necessary to meet the existing bridge deck and elevated roadway and projecting onto the right-of-way by variable distance in width to the southern face of the South Street Bridge/retaining wall and approximately 30 feet in length maintaining the existing sidewalk width (variable width 14.6 feet to 18.1 feet) on the bridge and retained section for pedestrian traffic.
Planters - South Street
Four (4) separate planters shall be integrated with the plaza construction that projects into the right-of-way. Planters located along the South Street site frontage at a maximum dimension of approximately 60 feet in length and projecting over the right-of-way and drainage easement by variable distance in width, maintaining the existing sidewalk width (vari...
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