Authorizing the Committee on Streets and Services of the Philadelphia City Council hold hearings to explore best practices within the mobile food truck industry.
WHEREAS, The Great Recession changed the economics of the restaurant industry, making it more difficult to start and operate a conventional restaurant; and
WHEREAS, As a result, the mobile food truck industry has dramatically grown in the City of Philadelphia within the last 5 years and is becoming a preferred business for entrepreneurs; and
WHEREAS, According to the National Restaurant Association's 2014 forecast, food trucks make up one of the fastest-growing sectors of the restaurant industry, with 2013 sales of nearly $700 million, or about 1 percent of total U.S. restaurant sales; and
WHEREAS, There is ambiguity in regards to policies and regulations addressing the operation of mobile food trucks on public streets in the City of Philadelphia; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Committee on Streets and Services of the Philadelphia City Council hold hearings to explore best practices within the mobile food truck industry.